Crypto Crime

Crypto Scams on Facebook

Oct 01, 2022

As the world goes into recessions, economic downturns, job losses, and more. Scammers become more and more desperate by the day to pull off all sorts of scams to cheat people of their hard-earned money.

In this post, we looked at all the methods (past and present) that scammers are using on Facebook, starting with the latest we encountered.

Most Common and Beyond our abilities to track every new project is that Scammers would advertise the new trending projects as their own and urge you to buy with the collection almost sold out, especially near the NFT launching days.

Advertisements with Fake Endorsement Leading to a Fake Collection.

Check out what Gary Vee has to say to these scammers:

Either you could be handing over money for nothing or you could be signing a transaction that drains everything out of your crypto wallet...

Usually, this type of scam will urge you with urgency either with a countdown timer that is ending soon or the limit of the mint is about to be reached. A simple refresh and everything restarts again. Check out the one I found on Facebook in the video below.

Fake Account Commenting Scam to Send and Receive Cryptos

This is an example that I came across. someone disguised as the author and posting in the comments directly under the post, followed by the Social Proof of said "opportunity". Note: Real Airdrops do not require you to send any money to them.

As for the comments, I even attracted and showcased this scam in one of my own YouTube video's comments sections here: My #1 Way To Identify a Bank Login Scam

This is a common method on YouTube where scammers would disguise themselves with the same profile picture and similar username (as close as they can get) like:

  • replacing 'L' with a capital 'i'
  • having underscore_ at the back or middle
  • Or just having numbers at the back of the name.